Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 days and 30 people


Day 01 - Your favorite actor
Day 02 - Your favorite actress
Day 03 - Your favorite director
Day 04 - An underrated actor/actress
Day 05 - An actor/actress you haven't seen enough movies from
Day 06 - A favorite classic actor
Day 07 - A great character actor
Day 08 - An overrated actor/actress
Day 09 - An actor/actress who can be great but rarely is
Day 10 - Your favorite screenwriter
Day 11 - Music artist you relate to the most
Day 12 - Your favorite band/artist from wherever you live
Day 13 - An underrated band
Day 14 - A band you miss the most
Day 15 - A band you wish you'd seen live
Day 16 - An artist that sums up what great music should be
Day 17 - Favorite dead musician
Day 18 - Favorite lyricist
Day 19 - Best lyricist
Day 20 - A band you wish people would get over already
Day 21 - Favorite author - fiction
Day 22 - Favorite author - non-fiction
Day 23 - Favorite poet
Day 24 - Favorite comic book/strip artist
Day 25 - Author you need to read more books from
Day 26 - Movie character you relate to the most
Day 27 - TV character you relate to the most
Day 28 - Fictional character (literary) you relate to the most
Day 29 - Favorite fictional villain (any area)
Day 30 - Favorite fictional character (any area)


(example “30 days - 30 people from the giraffe”)

(written by ‘the giraffe” @ Listal)

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